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jakob |

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@clacke @yyp
this sounds, that there is a federated webgit in progress?

@yyp @clacke sounds for a good start for a probably cool project 😀

@yyp @clacke and it’s not a question about an unsable exchange… it’s a question of spam/junk-filter updates… many people send documents over email… yes, that is not ideal… that is very bad… but people do this since 30 years… so why should thy change their behaviour, if there is no need for that? if they are not forced by shrinking the attachment-size… and so there are permanently adjusted junk-filters which make email bad for updates and system-notifications.

What i understood from activitypub is, you send a json-message to a rest-endpoint (inbox) or put such a json-message to a outbox, where it can be crawled.

whats that difficult, if you have a fed-git based on activity-pub, and a git module, which can put a json to the fed-git inbox, similar a git remote push…

the question is, what kind of message should it be? what’s the content. only a notification, that the other git can pull from my git? Or the patch itself… so… guys who know git and activitypub better than me CAN think about this and find a solution, if they want.

@yyp @clacke if i could make the decission, i would host my own mailserver based on exim/dovecot/postfix.

but we live in a windows-world... and it's not my decission...

and i didn't say, activitypub is an emailkiller... i said, what you do with email in git, you can do also with activitypub. and a lack of tools now doesn't mean a lack of tools in future...

@yyp @clacke i don't think email is not goot. i know it from daily practice, that email was a good solution, but it isn't any more. we have big troubles with email. our mailprovider (we host an own exchange-instance... the windows-group does this, we are the linux-group) changes often keyword-lists, blacklists, spamfilters... and today an email goes through, tomorrow not... 2 weeks later it works again...

it is not trustable, that updates sent by email are really reach the target...

maybe activitypub is not the best protocoll for git... maybe it is... but no one tried it till now. What i can send through email, i think, i can send also by activitypub. not?

@yyp @clacke You are not so the guy with ideas... you are more the one who always says "it's not possible"... ok.

your role is to show the drawbacks... that is a very important role.

but i think, it's not time to talk about protocoll-details, because the big thing does not exist now... and i'm sure, out there in the world are developers, which can find ideas how to realise an activitypub based federated web-git solution... i'm sure, this developers are existing.

it always need guys with ideas, guys with skills to realise such an idea and guys wich will show the problems.

i personally do not have the skills to develop such a thing... my hope is, to reach a developer with my idea, who is also fascinated about this idea, picks it up and makes it... and if not... we have good working tools now. it's also ok.

@clacke @yyp Spamming and DoS-Attacks are a Problem. Yes. But not specific to AcitivityPub. Right!

@yyp @clacke please correct me...

on github (which i used most in the past), i have to fork a project. then i clone the repo to my local computer, do my work, create branches, patches and so on. pull it to *my* repo on github and create a pull-request to the original project, where i've forked it before.

what i understand from that:
forking a repo on github means making a copy of the full project from one users directory to my users directory. i need bandwidth for that. because the whole project has to be copied.

this is, what have to be done over network from one fed-git instance to another fed-git instance. and THIS happens only one time in lifetime of the fork.


all other actions only transfer patches, diffs, updates from one instance to the other in a federating git system... or from one repo to the other on gitlab/github/gitea nowadays.


@yyp @clacke yes. not that much, but yes, i used them.

@yyp @clacke yes we need.

we have some jira instances at work, and some of them have to communicate with jiras from other companies... and some of these connections work over email. and sometimes, they do not work. why?

because email is NOT good for this purpose any more. spam-filter, blacklistings... and so on do not guarantee, that the update-email is delivered... why should this work better with git?

we try to move all this connections from email to native REST-connections. So we can give the guarantee, the update comes just in time and it will come!

And if something is new... yes, it takes it's time to be established. Even if it is good...

Maybe it's enough to add ActivityPub-functionality to Gitea or Gitlab... Or someone found a totally new concept for webbased git solutions based on activitypub - which is also relatively new defined as web-standard for federation from the W3C...

@yyp @clacke yes. i know.

but to make a pr, i have to fork the project first, which is a clone to my host... i have to do it anyway...

ok. on github/gitlab i do the fork on the same host. no network-bandwidth is necessary.

but if i want to edit this repo on my local machine i have to clone it to my laptop...

in a federated git, from which i'm dreaming, the initial fork with the big amount of data-transfer is not local... yes. i know. this is over network and needs a lot of bandwith...

AFTER this initial fork, almost only the changes are transferred... also on a pr...

isn't it?

@yyp @clacke cloning/forking a repo always takes a lot of bandwidth. so if i fork a repo to my fed-git instance i need this bandwidth.

but doing PR, creating an issue, make some comments in the other instance realisied by acitivitypub can be possible... without the big amount of bandwidth.

@yyp @clacke what do you think...

if you can create a fed-git with functionallity like gitea, gitlab or similar with federating over activitypub, could there be a possibility, that PR can be done over AP similar to patches over email?

i think, it would be possible.

@yyp @clacke it is not my idea to work on the same host at all the others... therefore i host my own servers.

but if you look out... there you can see the reality.

@nanook @yyp @clacke i do not understand, what you mean?

i have also my own nodes for my fediverse-services... but look at matrix. i think i've read, that over 90% of all matrix-accounts are registered on

there is also a concentration on mastodon...

and if some people work together in a project, they will have their fed-git-accounts also on the same host... i believe. So the big load of forks and PR in daily work will happen locally.

@yyp @clacke if i clone a repo to my local machine, it's the same...

looking on other federated services (matrix, mastodon...) they all tend to only a few big service-providers... why should it be other with a federated git...

@yyp @clacke i'm dreaming about a federated solution for git.

i setup my own instance, check in my code, do all the stuff with issues, ci and so on...

another one also setup his own instance... but he can fork a repo from my instance, comment on my instance, make PR to my instance and gets updates from my instance - and the other way round.

git itself is build on this model only with the repo itself... but all the web-stuff around should federate also.

if it federates with activitypub, we can follow an issue or repo also here on mastodon/pleroma too... to get news about a trendy repo...

@hirschnase @kattascha Datenschutz ist den allermeisten ziemlich blunzen. Ja es gibt sogar Menschen die geben alles liebend gerne Google und Co und freuen sich über exakte Stauwarnungen, Umleitungsvorschläge und zielgerichtete Porno-Vorschläge aufgrund ihrer gespendeten Daten...

Wenn ich Diskussionen starte, doch auf Plattformen zu wechseln, die wenig oder keine Daten klauen, dann werd ich meist ignoriert bis offen angefeindet... Was hat es mich Zeit gekostet die Menschen zu überzeugen, von WhatsApp weg zu gehen. Poste ich auf Facebook über alternativen dazu, und lade ein, mir zu folgen... da ist die Reaktion NULL bis "Lass mich in Ruhe damit. Dort ist doch niemand"

Nicht einmal bereit sind sie, "die Leute", solche Plattformen - wie z.B. Mastodon/Pleroma - auszuprobieren.

Datenschutz ist den allermeisten wurscht bis lästig. Open Source hat durch jahrzehntelange FUD-Arbeit von Microsoft & Co einen schlechten Ruf in der Bevölkerung...

Gemeckert wird bloß, wenn aufgrund einer Pandemie temporär, weil sinnvoll, Kontaktmöglichkeiten zurückgefahren werden... Aber weil die meisten Leute zu blöd dafür sind, sich auch an die einfachsten Regeln zu halten, müssen halt drastischere Maßnahmen ergriffen werden... leider.

@kattascha als Österreicher muss ich dir da sagen, auch schon VOR Corona waren deutsche Touristen nicht allzu beliebt...

Vor allem wenn man im Ausland zuerst als Deutscher aufgrund der Sprache identifiziert wurde, und dann stellte sich heraus, man ist Österreicher, änderte sich das Verhalten des Gegenübers oft schlagartig auf extrem freundlich und zuvorkommend...
